Phantom Thread

Paul Thomas Anderson’s Phantom Thread has to be thanking The Post for existing right about now, because this would be the Oscar bait movie we’d be poking fun of if it didn’t.  And while the script is biting and British and awesome, the story itself is not exactly gripping enough for a 2 hour run time.  You will be bored.

This movie is a masterclass in technical achievement on a small scale.  Unlike Blade Runner 2049 and Dunkirk, Phantom Thread is small in scope and location.  But the set design, the costumes, the score… they’re all phenomenal.  Those are warranted awards consideration.

And on the other hand, this movie takes a small, intimate, self discovery story not unlike that of The Big Sick, Lady Bird, or Moonlight and has its stylistic influence actively work against the tone of the movie.  The twist you might have heard some vague rumors about is not nearly as huge as you may have been lead to believe.

Phantom Thread is beautiful, well acted, well directed, and perfectly scored.  But the story itself will probably leave you underwhelmed.  I’d recommend to huge film buffs and obviously PT Anderson fans, or even if you really want to see all Best Picture nominees.  But it’s not gonna be for everybody.


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